Re: Flexible Instruction Day (School Closed All Day)
Dear Families,
In today's Take-Home-Tuesday mail I included the students' FID packets.
In case of a school closure due to inclement weather or other emergency, the LG 2nd Grade is providing a Flexible Instruction Day (FID) packet.
The FID (Snow Day) packet is designed with meaningful exercises and on-level instructions so that each skill page can be completed independently with minimal assistance. This is
to help accommodate working families, students without computer access on that day or students going to daycare.
If help is needed during the FID session, I can be contacted via my email ( or the kids can contact me by messaging on our Google Classroom.
Teacher office hours on an FID session are from 9:45-2:45 on the day of the closure. I can also open a “meeting” session with
students on Google Meet if further instruction is needed.
Please store this packet somewhere safe at home.
If the school day is canceled, the students are responsible for completing one day's
This is a 5-day packet. Students will only need to complete one "snow day" section
per canceled school day.
This is NOT to be used for 2-Hour Delays.
Return this packet in the student's Take-Home Folder on the next open school day.
The packet will then return home for the next FID.